Announcing the most promising developments surrounding GSX and our mining operations!

GSX owns thousands of acres of claims across southern Africa. Covid-19 has posed significant challenges that have delayed our timeline on mining operations. Due to the obstacles presented by Covid-19, we have spent time prospecting, exploring, and seeking out new claims that will further add massive value to GSX.
This has paid off tremendously already through two significant claims situated in Zimbabwe:
1. Situated close to the town of Makaha
2. Situated about 100 miles north of Harare (Zimbabwe’s capital city), near Chinhoyi

We have discovered a significant gold reef on the surface of the claim near Makaha, which will allow us to use open cast mining for a far greater volume of materials to be extracted per hour than is possible through traditional shaft mining. Most gold mines in southern Africa are located deep below the surface (as deep as 3km) and require shafts to mine and extract materials. Shaft mining adds much more cost and hazard than open cast mining. We have commenced operations and have opened the reef for further exploration.
The other claim, situated near Chinhoyi, consists of 2500 acres of mineral-rich land. Small samples have been tested and results have confirmed the presence of gold, copper, and other valuable metals on the claim. All necessary paperwork has already been filed to start the mining process in this location, with the only approval pending being our environmental agency approval. Upon completion of this approval, mining can then begin immediately.
To top these two extremely exciting claims, we have other claims we own and are investigating with potentially large deposits of lithium, nickel, and other materials used in lithium battery manufacturing. The necessary feasibility studies are being undertaken, with updates that will follow as soon as they are available.
Shifting focus from Zimbabwe, we have been working tirelessly on pursuing a large-scale project in Zambia by working with a larger player in the area. More updates will follow as we progress in this venture.
Two long years of hard work — blood, sweat, and tears — have resulted in GSX staying on top of these massive projects even with the challenge of Covid-19. As Southern African countries open back up and bounce back from covid, we’re getting back to business and riding the success of some phenomenal months and big wins for GSX projects.
Huge updates can be expected and will be communicated so all our investors can experience this success with us. Thank you for all your continued support for GSX!
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